Achieve Investment Group

Interest Rate Forecast: What’s in Store for Commercial Real Estate Investors?

multifamily real estate syndication

As a savvy commercial real estate investor, you understand the profound impact interest rates have on the industry. With rates fluctuating and the economy constantly changing, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve. That’s why we’re excited to share a comprehensive analysis of the projected path of interest rates over the next five years. According to leading financial institutions and experts, the current federal funds rate range of 5.25%-5.50% may represent the peak. Projections suggest a gradual easing of rates, with estimates ranging from 3% to 5.5% over the next few years. This potential decline could have far-reaching implications for your investment strategy. Lower interest rates stimulate the housing market, making mortgages more affordable and driving demand for commercial properties. Additionally, reduced borrowing costs encourage businesses to invest in growth and expansion, creating opportunities for lucrative real estate ventures. However, it’s crucial to note that these projections are subject to change based on economic conditions and policy decisions. Factors such as inflation trends, economic growth, and global market developments will play a significant role in shaping the future of interest rates. To dive deeper into this topic and gain valuable insights, we invite you to read the full article, “Interest Rates Predictions for 5 Years: Where Are Rates Headed?” This comprehensive analysis provides a detailed exploration of the current state, forecasts, and economic and market implications. Stay informed, stay ahead, and make informed decisions for your real estate investment portfolio. Don’t Miss Out On The Opportunity To Enhance Your Professional Network By Becoming A Part Of Our LinkedIn Group. Join Multifamily Investors Group  

The Journey of Istana at Wurzbach: A Landmark in the Making

Exciting Progress At Istana at Wurzbach

At Achieve Investment Group, our latest project, Istana at Wurzbach, a 324-unit Class A multifamily property in North West San Antonio, marks a significant milestone in our real estate ventures. This development has been a testament to our dedication to quality and community growth. The Beginning: From Raw Land to Notice to Proceed Two years ago, Shanti and I set out to transform a piece of raw land into a vibrant living community. The initial stages involved putting the land under contract and obtaining necessary zoning, platting, and permits. After overcoming numerous challenges, we issued the Notice to Proceed (NTP) to our builder, marking the official start of construction. Construction Phase: Progress and Milestones Construction began with land clearing, revealing stunning views for future residents. The project has advanced rapidly, recently reaching a significant milestone with the first concrete pour at the clubhouse. This phase underscores the collective effort and dedication involved in bringing Istana at Wurzbach to life. Design and Quality: Elevating the Istana Experience One distinctive feature of Istana at Wurzbach is the incorporation of the letter “A” from Achieve into the roof design. Although this design choice added $100,000 to our costs, it is an integral part of our branding strategy. The site has undergone nearly 10 months of site and utility work, with road construction currently underway. We anticipate the start of vertical construction within the next month, with the first building and clubhouse expected to be completed by Q1 2024. Commitment to Excellence: Quality Materials and Construction Our commitment to quality is evident in our choice of materials and construction techniques. We opted for concrete driveways over asphalt, despite the higher cost, to ensure long-term durability. The clubhouse, being the first building to emerge, is designed to make a strong first impression and set the tone for the entire development. Progress and Community Impact Reflecting on our journey, we are grateful for the lessons learned and experiences gained from the Istana at Wurzbach project. As we move forward, our commitment to delivering exceptional real estate developments and contributing to our community’s growth remains unwavering. Recent Progress: Interior and Safety Updates As of the third week of April 2024, significant progress has been made on the interior works of Istana at Wurzbach: Interior Utilities and Waterproofing: Implementation of crucial interior utilities and waterproofing measures is underway, ensuring the property’s longevity and durability. Tub and Shower Installation: Tubs and shower pans are being installed in the units, reflecting our commitment to providing top-notch amenities. Sprinkler System: The installation of sprinkler systems is complete in the clubhouse and the first building, enhancing safety and compliance with building regulations. Waterproofing in Patios and Breezeways: Additional waterproofing efforts in outdoor areas are in progress, enhancing both aesthetic and functional appeal. Our team is diligently working to expedite the final touches to achieve a timely Certificate of Occupancy and initiate leasing activities. The Istana at Wurzbach project exemplifies our dedication to creating high-quality living spaces. We look forward to sharing more updates as the project progresses towards completion. For more information and to explore investment opportunities, visit Achieve Investment Group.

Top 12 High Property Tax States in the U.S.

Tax States in the U.S.

Before delving into the broader industry news and updates, I’m excited to provide an update on our project, Istana at Wurzbach. We’re delighted to share the significant progress and milestones achieved in this ambitious endeavor. Each week, we move a step closer to our goal of establishing a landmark that exemplifies a harmonious blend of luxury, sustainability, and innovation. 12 States With the Highest Property Taxes The average American household shells out $2,869 annually on property taxes, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. But depending on where homeowners live, property taxes can be much higher or considerably lower, a recent study from the personal finance website WalletHub found. Those taxes go into state and local government coffers. School districts, counties, municipalities, and townships can also collect property taxes. Get Your Free Audiobook To find out where property taxes are highest and lowest, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia by using U.S. Census Bureau data to determine real estate property tax rates. Researchers divided the median real estate tax payment by the median home price in each state. They then used the resulting rates to obtain the dollar amount paid as real estate tax on a house worth $281,900, which the Census Bureau reported was the median value for a U.S. home as of 2022. Join Our Community: If you’re not already part of our vibrant Facebook group, “Multifamily Investors Group,” I invite you to join. It’s a space where like-minded investors connect, share, and grow together.  

Passive Income : What It Is and Ideas for 2024

Passive Income

As we gear up for another week filled with updates and trends, I’m particularly excited to share something extraordinary with you.I recently hosted an exclusive webinar that’s a must-watch: Passive Real Estate Investors Need To Know This Before Filing Their 2023 Taxes! This insightful session is tailored to equip you with the necessary knowledge to adeptly navigate the complexities of today’s real estate market. It offers essential tax planning tips and strategies, positioning you well ahead of the April 15th deadline.We were privileged to have Amanda Han and Matt Macfarland, two of the nation’s most esteemed real estate taxation experts, join us as guests. Best-selling authors of “Tax Strategies For The Savvy Real Estate Investor” Amanda and Matt are renowned for their expertise in simplifying complex tax strategies for real estate investors. Their insights during the webinar are invaluable.Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to transform your approach to real estate investing and tax planning. Watch the on-demand webinar now and arm yourself with cutting-edge tactics to make the most out of your investments. Watch the On-Demand Webinar Here! Passive Income: What It Is and Ideas for 2024 KEY TAKEAWAYS Passive income is revenue from interest on savings, getting cash back or rewards on a credit card, renting out a space, and so on.   The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has specific rules for passive income, including “material participation,” that determine whether a taxpayer has been actively involved in an income-producing activity.   Portfolio and passive income are frequently confused, but essentially if you’re making returns on your investing in securities, including crypto, that’s portfolio income, not passive income.   Top financial advisor Marguertia Cheng says, “Some of the most reliable and consistent forms of passive income include income from dividends paying stocks, mutual funds or ETFs, interest income from CDs, and bond ladders.”   A taxpayer can claim a passive loss against income generated from passive activities. CONTINUE READING Are you passionate about multifamily investing? Dive deeper into the world of real estate into dynamic communities tailored for investors like you! Join our vibrant Facebook group, “Multifamily Investors Group” where investors connect, share insights, and grow together in an active and supportive environment. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your professional network by becoming a part of our LinkedIn group, “Multifamily Investors Group” It’s the perfect space to engage with industry leaders, discover new strategies, and stay ahead of the curve in the multifamily investing scene.

Rent-to-Income Ratios Decline as Your Income Grows – Find Out How?

Income Ratios Decline as Your Income Grows

Welcome to our weekly newsletter, where we delve into insightful discussions on real estate trends and investment opportunities. This week, we focus on the Rent-to-income ratio of 22.9% in the 4th quarter of 2023 is down 90 basis points (bps) from the peak and down 60 bps year-over-year Here’s some good news: Apartment rent-to-income ratios declined in 2023 as incomes grew faster than rents. The median U.S. household signing a new lease for a market-rate apartment came in with a rent-to-income ratio of 22.9% in the 4th quarter of 2023, down 90 basis points (bps) from the peak and down 60 bps year-over-year, according to data from RealPage Market Analytics. In fairness, rent-to-income ratios remain slightly above the pre-COVID norms of around 22%, given that rents outpaced wages during the peak inflationary period. But market-rate apartment affordability is steadily improving thanks to the onslaught of new supply cooling off rent growth, even as wages keep rising. This is good news for renters AND operators. Subscribe To Get Access To Your Premium Content. PREMIUM CONTENT As income growth begins to outstrip rent increases, we observe a broadening interest in rental properties across all price tiers. This positive shift is anticipated to persist into 2024, bolstered by an influx of new rental listings and expectations for rent hikes to remain subdued. Many inquire about the methodology behind these findings whenever I present this data. Our analysis aligns with the standards commonly adopted by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), where affordability metrics typically fall within the low to mid-20% range, echoing our results. We assess affordability by examining the combined income of all individuals listed on a lease application, including roommates, against the agreed-upon rent. From this, we calculate the rent-to-income ratio for each household and determine the median value across the dataset. It’s important to note, this calculation excludes lease renewals, as income information is not commonly re-reported at these times. Other measures routinely inflate rent-to-income ratios due to poor methodologies. You can’t just mash together incomes and rents from different datasets, as most researchers do. Particularly when you do this with public datasets on income, it’s apples and oranges. This is because there are (unfortunately) millions of households who cannot afford market-rate rentals. If you include them in the calculation, it inflates the ratio. It’s valid to point out unaffordability among low-income households, but it’s NOT an accurate representation of who lives in these rentals and the rents they’re paying. On that note, the sad reality is that the households spending 30%+ of income on rent are often those in subsidized affordable housing or using vouchers, as many government programs require those renters to spend the 30%. This is why we need a lot more affordable and attainable housing in the U.S. – and a lot more public and private support for it. But in most professionally managed, market-rate rentals, operators typically will not lease to renters with rent-to-income ratios of 30%+. And yet there’s been enormous demand in recent years for market-rate rentals among renter households spending 22-23% of income toward rent. Among market-rate renters, there are certainly some facing financial challenges. I don’t want to downplay that because those needs are real and must be addressed. But broadly speaking, affordability is not the massive headwind it’s often portrayed to be… and it’s now trending in the right direction.

Hot Tax Strategies For Real Estate Investors!

Hot Tax Strategies For Real Estate Investors!

As we continue our journey towards financial independence and excellence in real estate investment, I wanted to share with you some transformative insights from our most recent Investor Education Series Webinar. The event, which focused on “Year-End Tax Errors That Could Cost Real Estate Investors Thousands in 2023-24”  Featured Josh Belk, the visionary CEO of Lodestar Tax & Consulting, the session unveiled critical tax strategies and common pitfalls that every real estate investor should be aware of. The Silent Wealth Killers Tax Errors That Could Cost Real Estate Investors Thousands! WATCH WEBINAR REPLAY Throughout the webinar, we delved into critical topics that every real estate investor must consider: 1. Optimizing Depreciation Deductions: Understanding the power of depreciation to reduce tax liability is fundamental. Yet, many investors overlook this potential, missing out on significant savings. 2. Navigating Year-End Tax Code Changes: The tax landscape is ever-evolving. Staying informed about these changes is vital to ensure compliance and to maximize investment returns. 3. Exploring Tax Credits and Incentives: Many real estate investors are not fully aware of the available tax credits and incentives. Identifying and leveraging these can drastically reduce tax burdens. 4. Mitigating Capital Gains Tax: Strategies to mitigate capital gains tax can greatly enhance the profitability of real estate transactions. It’s about making the tax code work for you, not against you. 5. Avoiding Common Tax Errors and Audits: Knowledge is power. Understanding common pitfalls and how to avoid them can save investors from costly errors and the dread of audits. A Personal Note from James Kandasamy: With over 9 years of experience in real estate and a portfolio that speaks volumes of our commitment to excellence, I, along with the Achieve Investment Group, am dedicated to empowering our investors with knowledge and strategies that propel them toward success. This webinar is a testament to our commitment to your financial well-being. We believe in the power of education and the impact of sharing knowledge. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about building a community of informed investors who are equipped to make the best decisions for their financial future. In closing, I encourage each of you to reflect on these strategies and consider how they can be integrated into your investment approach. As always, Achieve Investment Group is here to support you in your investment journey, offering guidance, insights, and opportunities to grow your wealth. Join Our Community: If you missed the live session, worry not. We invite you to join our community on social media and our Facebook group of nearly 20,000 real estate investors, where we continue the conversation and dive deeper into the world of real estate investing. Thank you for your continued trust in us. Here’s to making informed investment decisions and navigating the complexities of real estate investing together.

The Journey from Single Family to Multi-Family Investing

Single Family Multi-Family Investing

As we prepare to dive into this week’s discoveries and insights, I’m excited to kick things off with an exclusive highlight just for you. Are you ready to navigate the complexities of tax season like a pro? Mark your calendars for March 27th, 2024, Wednesday at 12 PM CST, because we’re unveiling a golden opportunity that no passive real estate investor should miss. Join us for a FREE Education Webinar that promises to be a game-changer for your financial strategy! This week, I’m thrilled to take you behind the scenes of a remarkable conversation I had with Wayne Courageous III on “The Untold Stories of Real Estate Investing” podcast. Our discussion spanned the essence of real estate investing, from the grassroots of single-family investments to the zenith of multi-family syndication. A Glimpse into the Episode: Wayne, with his profound experience and a knack for digging deep, hosted a conversation that revealed the layers of real estate investing that often stay hidden. We ventured through my journey, marking the transitions, strategies, and insights that have shaped my path from an eager enthusiast to a seasoned investor, managing over $130 million in multifamily properties. Key Takeaways: The Power of Syndication:  Discover how syndicating nine multifamily properties has not just been a game of numbers but a saga of community building and value creation. Insider Secrets Revealed: Delve into the essence of my bestselling book, “Passive Investing in Commercial Real Estate,” where I uncover the strategies for achieving financial independence. Mentorship and Beyond: Hear firsthand the impact of mentorship, as Wayne shares his transformative journey under our guidance, highlighting the tangible benefits of being part of our exclusive mentorship program. Why This Episode Is a Must-Listen: Inspiration for Aspiring Investors: Whether you’re navigating the beginnings of your investment journey or scaling new heights, this episode is packed with real-life insights and actionable strategies. The Multifamily Advantage:Understand the nuanced advantages of multifamily investments over single-family deals, especially in the current economic landscape. The Mentorship Edge: Learn how our mentorship program can serve as your catalyst for growth in the complex world of real estate investing. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE!

Great News! 25% Returns To Taylor Deal Investors.

Taylor Deal Investors

A Milestone Worth Celebrating: 25% Returns Amidst the Tide In a world where the real estate currents have been anything but predictable, we’ve managed to not just sail but soar! I’m beyond excited to announce that, together, we’ve achieved a formidable 25% return for our investors in the Taylor deal. This isn’t just a number; it’s a testament to what we can achieve together. Congratulations to you all – this win is yours as much as it is ours! The Secret Behind Our Success You might wonder, “How did we do it?” The answer lies in our unwavering resolve and strategic agility. By navigating the complexities of the market and making a calculated decision to sell a portion of our 130-acre land treasure trove, we’ve turned the tides in our favor, even as the real estate market faced downturns. The Role of the Samsung Deal in Taylor, TX Remember the buzz around the Samsung Deal in Taylor, TX? That wasn’t just talk; it was a crucial pivot in our strategy, laying the groundwork for the remarkable returns we’re celebrating today. It’s a clear indicator of our commitment to not just foresee but also seize opportunities for our community. None of this would have been possible without you – our trusted investors. Your faith in us fuels our drive to explore, innovate, and excel. Thank you for being the cornerstone of our journey toward redefining real estate investment. What’s Next? Let’s Keep the Momentum Going As we revel in this achievement, let’s not forget that this is but a stepping stone to greater heights. We’re already setting our sights on the next venture, and we want you along for the ride. 👉 Ready for More? Let’s Dive Into the Next Adventure Together Let’s Keep Winning Together – Join Our Journey Join Our Community: If you’re not already part of our vibrant Facebook group, “Multifamily Investors Group,” I invite you to join. It’s a space where like-minded investors connect, share, and grow together. Thank you for your continued trust and engagement. Here’s to achieving more together! Stay tuned for our upcoming passive investor course, designed to equip you with the knowledge to invest wisely and grow your portfolio passively. More details to come in our next newsletters!

Passive Real Estate Investors Need To Know This Before Filing Their 2023 Taxes!

Today, Michael Tortorich will be joining our weekly show.

Michael Tortorich has a Bachelor of Business Administration and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. He has 10-plus years of corporate finance experience and most importantly is a passionate believer in promoting financial literacy. The content in this book was originally designed as a financial education course for his two children, but after completion, he decided to turn the material into a book that anyone could benefit from.

Why Apartment Complexes are the Future of Real Estate Investment

investing in apartment complexes

Introduction In today’s ever-evolving real estate market, savvy investors constantly seek opportunities that promise solid returns and long-term growth potential. One such avenue that has gained significant traction in recent years is investing in apartment complexes. This article delves into why apartment complexes are emerging as the future of real estate investment. The Changing Landscape of Real Estate Investment Real estate investment has witnessed a seismic shift in recent times. Traditional single-family homes and commercial properties are no longer the only go-to options for investors. Apartment complexes have become increasingly popular for several compelling reasons. The Growing Demand for Rental Properties With changing demographics and lifestyle preferences, more people rent rather than own homes. Millennials and young professionals, in particular, are embracing the flexibility and convenience that renting offers—this growing demand for rental properties positions apartment complexes as a lucrative investment choice. Diversification of Risk Investors often seek diversification to mitigate risks associated with their portfolios. Investing in apartment complexes provides an opportunity to spread risk across multiple units, reducing the impact of vacancies or market fluctuations on overall returns. This diversification is especially valuable in uncertain economic times. Steady Cash Flow Apartment complexes generate a consistent stream of rental income. Unlike other real estate investments that may experience seasonal fluctuations, rental income from apartment complexes tends to be stable and predictable. This reliable cash flow attracts investors looking for a steady income stream. Economies of Scale Managing multiple rental units within a single complex allows for economies of scale. Maintenance, repairs, and management costs are often lower on a per-unit basis, enhancing the overall profitability of the investment. This cost-efficiency is a significant advantage of apartment complex ownership. Potential for Appreciation In addition to rental income, apartment complexes offer the potential for property appreciation over time. As the demand for rental properties continues to rise, the value of well-maintained apartment complexes can be appreciated significantly, providing investors with substantial long-term gains. Tax Benefits Investors in apartment complexes can benefit from various tax incentives, including deductions on mortgage interest, property depreciation, and maintenance expenses. These tax advantages can optimize the overall return on investment. Critical Considerations for Apartment Complex Investment While apartment complexes offer promising opportunities, it’s crucial to consider some critical factors before diving into this venture. Location Matters The location of an apartment complex plays a pivotal role in its success. Investing in a complex in a desirable neighborhood with solid rental demand can significantly impact your returns. Research potential locations carefully and analyze market trends. Property Management Effective property management is essential for maximizing returns and tenant satisfaction. Whether you manage the complex yourself or hire a professional property management company, a well-maintained property is crucial for success. Financial Planning A comprehensive financial plan is vital for estimating potential returns and managing expenses. When creating your investment strategy, factor in mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and ongoing maintenance costs. Market Research Stay updated with market trends and rental rates in your chosen location. Conduct thorough market research to ensure that your investment aligns with the current demand and pricing in the area. Tenant Screening Selecting reliable tenants is critical for maintaining a stable income stream and minimizing vacancies. Implement a rigorous tenant screening process to identify responsible renters likely to stay long-term. Risk Management Although apartment complexes offer diversification, there are still risks involved. Be prepared for occasional vacancies and market fluctuations by having contingency plans. FAQs Q: What is the minimum investment required for an apartment complex? Investment requirements vary depending on the complex’s location, size, and condition. Conducting a thorough financial analysis and securing financing if needed is essential. Q: Are there tax advantages to investing in apartment complexes? Yes, investors can benefit from tax deductions on mortgage interest, property depreciation, and maintenance expenses. Consult with a tax professional to maximize these advantages. Q: How can I ensure a high occupancy rate in my apartment complex? Maintaining a well-kept property, conducting effective marketing, and implementing a thorough tenant screening process are crucial to achieving a high occupancy rate. Q: What are some common challenges faced by apartment complex investors? Common challenges include managing tenant turnover, handling maintenance and repairs, and staying updated with changing market conditions. Q: Can I invest in apartment complexes with a limited budget? While larger complexes may require substantial investments, there are opportunities to invest in smaller complexes or partner with other investors to pool resources. Q: How can I optimize the ROI on my apartment complex investment? Focus on effective property management, keeping expenses in check, and staying attuned to market trends to maximize your return on investment. Conclusion Investing in apartment complexes offers a promising avenue for real estate investors seeking stable returns and long-term growth potential. With the rising demand for rental properties, the potential for appreciation, and various tax advantages, apartment complexes are indeed the future of real estate investment. However, conducting thorough research, considering key factors, and implementing sound management practices are essential to ensure a successful investment journey.


Passive Real Estate Investors Need To Know This Before Filing Their 2023 Taxes!

Essential Tax Planning Tips And Strategies Before April 15th With Nationally-recognized CPAs And Tax Strategists "Amanda Han" and "Matt Macfarland"

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