Achieve Investment Group

Achieve Financial Independence with Passive Real Estate Investing: A Must-Read Book for Aspiring Investors

Passive Real Estate Investing

Are you dreaming of attaining financial independence? Do you aspire to generate a steady stream of passive income to secure your future? If so, passive real estate investing is an avenue worth exploring. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of passive investment and introduce you to a must-read book that can guide you on your journey to financial freedom. Passive Investing: Building Wealth Without Active Involvement Passive investing has gained significant popularity in recent years, offering individuals the opportunity to generate income without actively managing investments. Unlike active investment strategies that require constant monitoring and decision-making, passive investing allows you to grow your wealth through a more hands-off approach. One of the best passive income investments that has consistently proven its worth is real estate. Real estate investments can provide a steady cash flow, potential tax advantages, and long-term appreciation. However, navigating the world of real estate investing can be daunting, especially for beginners. That’s where the recommended book comes in handy. Introducing Passive Investing in Real Estate: Your Guide to Financial Independence” If you’re looking for a comprehensive resource to help you kickstart your passive real estate investment journey, “Passive Investing in Real Estate: Your Guide to Financial Independence” is an invaluable book you should consider adding to your reading list. Written by renowned real estate expert John Smith, this book offers practical advice, insider tips, and proven strategies to help you achieve financial independence through passive real estate investing. Why Read This Book? In-depth knowledge: “Passive Investing in Real Estate” equips you with the foundational knowledge required to make informed investment decisions. You’ll learn about different real estate investment options, understanding market trends, evaluating properties, and mitigating risks.   Building passive income streams: Discover various methods to generate passive income through real estate investing. From rental properties to real estate investment trusts (REITs), the book covers a range of strategies and helps you identify the best ones that suit your financial goals. Practical guidance: The book goes beyond theory and provides actionable steps to get started. It offers insights into financing options, property management, and ways to maximize returns. You’ll gain confidence in your investment choices and develop a roadmap for financial success. Case studies and success stories: Learn from real-life examples of investors who have achieved financial independence through passive real estate investments. These case studies offer inspiration and valuable lessons to apply to your own investment journey. Future-proof strategies: The book addresses current market trends and adapts traditional strategies to the evolving real estate landscape. You’ll gain a deep understanding of how to leverage technology, stay ahead of competition, and adapt to changing market conditions. James Kandasamy’s book, Passive Investing in Commercial Real Estate: Insider Secrets to Achieving Financial Independence,” is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve financial independence through passive real estate investing. This book is not just another dry, snooze-worthy book on investing or a get-rich scheme. Instead, it is a practical guide designed for hard-working, middle-class Americans who want to make smart investments and grow their wealth. In his book, James shares insider secrets on how to be a smarter passive investor, understand the potential of passive investing, grow your confidence in finding and evaluating deals, and ultimately achieve financial independence. By following the advice in this book, you can begin to pursue your passions, serve others, and live the life you were meant to live. Don’t just take our word for it – here are some testimonials from real estate investors of all levels who have already benefited from James Kandasamy’s book: – Raul Medellin: “Excellent book for both the newbie and the seasoned passive investor in Commercial Real Estate. This book will show you the map you need to follow.” – Chris T: “A must-read for anyone looking to invest into a syndication!” – Yan Yan: “I listened to the author’s interview on one of the podcasts. Then I read this book. It walks you through the whole process and tells you all the “secrets” from an insider perspective.” – Joseph Abruzzo: “This book will get you started setting up a good foundation for your investment success in real estate.” – Sheetal: “This simple book from James Kandasamy will get you sophisticated in terms of understanding the world of passive investing in commercial real estate.” – Tazman: “This book is a must-read if you are a passive Investor. James made this book easy to understand and comprehend.” here are some reviews Explore the world of passive investing in real estate with our comprehensive guide, available in both audiobook and physical book formats. Unlock the secrets to successful commercial real estate investments with insights from and Start your journey to financial growth today! About james kandasamy James Kandasamy is the accomplished CEO of Achieve Investment Group and Brightest Multifamily Investors. He is a notable figure in the industry with a wealth of experience and expertise in commercial real estate. CEO James Kandasamy has also authored the insightful book, “Passive Investing in Commercial Real Estate,” which offers invaluable insights and strategies for investing in this lucrative sector. His leadership and knowledge make him a trusted resource for investors seeking to navigate the world of multifamily real estate. CONCLUSION If you aspire to achieve financial independence through passive real estate investing, “Passive Investing in Real Estate: Your Guide to Financial Independence” is an essential resource that deserves your attention. By following the insights and strategies outlined in this book, you can embark on a path towards building wealth, generating passive income, and securing a brighter financial future. To learn more and start your journey towards financial independence through passive real estate investing, Make an investment in your future today with Achieve Investment Group.

How To Make Millions By Buying And Selling Businesses While Investing In Real Estate: Strategies from the King of Exits

Investing In Real Estate

We are thrilled to announce an exciting educational opportunity tailor-made for our valued community of passive real estate investors. On August 7th, Monday, at 12 PM CST (US & Canada), we are hosting an exclusive webinar titled “How To Make Millions By Buying And Selling Businesses While Investing In Real Estate: Strategies from the King of Exits.” This webinar is designed to help you break free from the traditional boundaries of passive investing by introducing you to a unique strategy that combines the lucrative worlds of business trading and real estate. SAVE YOUR FREE SPOT Our guest speaker is none other than Eddie Wilson, the renowned “King of Exits,” CEO of Think Realty, American Association of Private Lenders, and over 20 other companies. With an imposing track record of owning over 125 businesses and making successful exits from more than 85 of them, Mr. Wilson is ready to share his wealth-building secrets with you. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a mastermind who has successfully navigated the realms of business and real estate, and we believe it’s the perfect fit for you as a passive investor seeking to diversify and enhance your wealth-building strategies. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to diversify your investment portfolio and maximize returns, all while leveraging the stability and reliability of real estate. You’ll gain insights into Wilson’s Empire Operating System, the secret sauce behind the systematic growth of his multi-millionaire empire. We’re having a limited number of spots for this webinar, so make sure to reserve your spot today. Click here to register now! REGISTER NOW Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect from this webinar: -How to Buy a Million Dollar Business While Investing In Real Estate? – Evaluating a Business: What Makes a Good Purchase? – The Art of Negotiation: How to Get the Best Deal – The Art of Successful Business Exits: Insights from the King of Exits – The Empire Operating System: Systematically Managing Growth for Success – The Power of Diversification: Understanding the Portfolio of Collective Influence – How Eddie Wilson Successfully Exited 85 Out of 125 Companies – Q&A Session: Eddie Wilson Answers Your Burning Questions Feel free to share this link with any colleagues or friends who might also benefit from the information presented during the session.

The Dollar Index: Risks and Opportunities for Passive Investors

Passive Investors

We hope you’re having a fantastic week! In this edition of our monthly newsletter, we will be shedding light on the impact of the U.S. Dollar on passive real estate investing, along with providing you valuable insights and trends to help you make informed decisions in your investment journey. The U.S. dollar has long been the dominant global currency, influencing investment decisions across various asset classes, including passive real estate investing. The dollar’s strength or weakness directly impacts investment returns, property prices, and overall market stability. What is the U.S. Dollar and why does it matter? The U.S. dollar is the world’s primary reserve currency, meaning it is the currency that other countries hold in their reserves. Additionally, the U.S. dollar is the most traded currency globally and serves as the benchmark for many commodities, including gold and oil. The value of the U.S. dollar has a significant impact on the economy and global financial markets. When the dollar is strong, it increases the purchasing power of Americans and allows them to buy more goods and services. However, a strong dollar can also have negative effects on the economy, such as hurting exports and making it more expensive for foreigners to buy U.S. goods. The Impact of a Strong Dollar A strong U.S. dollar can have both positive and negative effects on passive real estate investing. On the one hand, a strong dollar can increase the purchasing power of foreign investors, making U.S. real estate assets more attractive. This can lead to increased demand for U.S. real estate assets, which in turn can drive up prices and increase returns for investors. On the other hand, a strong dollar can also make it more expensive for U.S. investors to invest in foreign real estate assets. This can limit the opportunities available to investors and reduce diversification options. Register For Our Passive Investor Educational Webinar Protecting Your Equity During Uncertain Times Strategies For Today’s Challenging Investing Environment! Jun 22, 2023, 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) SAVE YOUR FREE SPOT As the graph above illustrates, there is a clear correlation between the U.S. dollar index and U.S. real estate prices, with periods of a stronger dollar generally coinciding with rising property prices. 📊 U.S. Dollar Strength and its Impact on Real Estate Investment A strong U.S. Dollar often leads to decreased demand from foreign investors, as the cost of acquiring U.S. real estate becomes more expensive for them. This, in turn, can translate to lower property prices, creating more opportunities for domestic investors. The graph above shows a clear inverse relationship between the U.S. Dollar Index and foreign real estate investments. When the dollar strengthens, foreign investment tends to decrease, and vice versa. 💡 Insights: For passive investors, this presents an opportunity to enter the market at a lower price point, as well as take advantage of potentially higher returns due to lower competition from foreign investors. Fluctuations in the U.S. Dollar can have a profound impact on passive real estate investing, both domestically and internationally. By staying informed of these trends and adapting your investment strategy accordingly, you can minimize risks and maximize returns. Get a Free Copy of my #1 Best-Seller Passive Investing In Commercial Real Estate GET IT NOW

Passive Real Estate Investing: Tax Benefits You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Passive investing has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the real estate market. Passive real estate investing allows investors to generate passive income without actively managing a property. This strategy has proven to be a great way to earn a steady stream of income and build wealth over time. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is the tax benefits that come with passive investing. In this article, we’ll explore the tax benefits of passive investing, and how you can maximize your returns. Understanding Passive Investing Passive investing is a strategy that involves investing in assets that generate a steady stream of income without requiring the investor to actively manage the asset. In the real estate market, this can include investing in rental properties, real estate investment trusts (REITs), or crowdfunding platforms. Unlike active investing, passive investing doesn’t require investors to have hands-on involvement in managing the property or making decisions about it. Passive Investors and Taxes Passive investors enjoy several tax benefits compared to active investors. For example, the income generated from passive investments is typically taxed at a lower rate than active income. Additionally, passive investors can take advantage of tax deductions and credits that aren’t available to active investors. Passive Real Estate Investing and Tax Benefits Real estate is a popular asset class for passive investors, and it also offers several tax benefits. Here are some of the tax benefits of passive real estate investing: Depreciation: Depreciation is a tax deduction that allows investors to write off the cost of the property over time. This deduction reduces the investor’s taxable income, which can result in significant tax savings. Capital Gains Tax: When you sell a property for a profit, you are required to pay capital gains tax. However, if you hold the property for more than a year, you can take advantage of lower long-term capital gains tax rates. 1031 Exchange: A 1031 exchange allows investors to defer capital gains tax when they sell a property and use the proceeds to purchase another property. This allows investors to reinvest their profits into another property without paying taxes on the gain. Best Passive Income Investments for Tax Benefits Here are some of the best passive income investments for tax benefits: Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): REITs typically generate income through rental income and capital appreciation of their properties. As a shareholder, you can earn a share of the rental income generated by the properties without having to own or manage them directly. REITs also offer several tax benefits, including deductions for depreciation and interest expenses. Crowdfunding Platforms: Crowdfunding platforms allow investors to pool their money together to invest in real estate properties. These platforms offer passive investors the opportunity to earn a share of the rental income without having to actively manage the property. Crowdfunding investments also offer tax benefits, including deductions for depreciation and expenses. Dividend Stocks: Dividend stocks are stocks that pay dividends to shareholders. These dividends are typically taxed at a lower rate than regular income, making them an attractive option for passive investors. Maximizing Your Returns To maximize your returns from passive investing, it’s important to understand the tax benefits that come with it. By taking advantage of these tax benefits, you can reduce your tax bill and increase your net returns. Additionally, it’s important to choose the right passive income investment that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Conclusion Passive investing offers several tax benefits that can help investors maximize their returns. By understanding the tax benefits of passive real estate investing and other passive income investments, investors can reduce their tax bill and increase their net returns.

3200-Units Foreclosure Key Takeaways for Operators and Passive Investors

Passive Investors from Houston Multifamily Foreclosure As the whole Multifamily Industry knows, there was a foreclosure of 3200 Units with $229 million of debt in Houston by Arbor Realty from a private Deal Sponsor from Dallas. These properties were bought between August 2021 and April 2022. The Deal Sponsor defaulted on their mortgage payment. The investors from that deal have alerted their friends about the potential foreclosure two weeks before it came out on Twitter . This news eventually came out in Wall Street Journal.  As per Trepp Inc, these properties’ cash flow went from 3.8% to more than 8% due to the rapid interest rate hike by FED. While the interest rate hike by the Fed has caused this property to be further under distress, many other factors have caused these Deal Sponsors to face foreclosure. We have a written 10-series article that we wrote so that any passive investor can learn and avoid investing in this kind of Deal Sponsors. Bridge Loan with No Rate Caps As per the chart below from Howard Mark’s book “The Most Important Thing”, Non-Recourse Bridge Loan stacked with Preferred equity without a rate cap.   As you can see it’s considered the highest risk deal type. Preferred equity is a private institutional group that acts like a lender but holds a second position in the capital stack. Preferred equity usually charges a fixed 12-14% interest rate with 1%-2% when the deal is initiated and exited. Usually, preferred equity is used behind common equity (normal retail investors) to boost back-end profit. It’s also used when the sponsor can’t raise a large sum of equity from retail investors. The pitch to the investor is the deal has a lot f upside that even after paying the fixed return to the pref equity group, there will be a lot more upside to common equity.  I attended a webinar where the presenter declared using preferred equity is the way to do deals in 2021. To survive market fluctuations an operator needs to be disciplined and stick to their stringent underwriting criteria. However, when the buying spree seems to be forever, many operators start to do deals at any cost. This includes taking Bridge loans for a deal that does not have significant value-add. I call it a misuse of loan type. I see many cash-flowing deals with thin upsides were bought using bridge loans. Of course, when the Deal sponsor raises the capital, they declare their deals are value add. The question is how big is the upside? In the worst case, some Deal Sponsors did not even take a rate cap insurance.  After the year 2020 to mid-2022, the value of the multifamily assets has gone beyond its intrinsic value. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lenders have almost gone out of business as the only way to make any deal work is to get a bridge loan since it’s a forward-looking upside loan. Furthermore, many Deal sponsors didn’t realize that the rate is variable. When the interest rate skyrockets, most of them are caught unprepared. The smarter and more conservative one invested in rate caps insurance since it was affordable then. The aggressive or less sophisticated Deal Sponsors decided not to buy rate caps due to ignorance or they even can’t raise the capital for equity. Most lenders will require rate cap purchases as a mandatory requirement. In the Houston Foreclosure case, looks like the lender didn’t require the sponsors to buy rate caps. Furthermore, Bridge loans were used for Deals that is not for value add. At Achieve Investment Group, James Kandasamy Texas, we are proud to say that we only have 1 bridge loan (with a rate cap of course) out of our 15 multifamily deals that we have and have done. Even that bridge loan is a true Deep value add deal. We could have done many more deals from 2020 to 2022 by taking Bridge Loans for all kinds of think upside deals as many passive investor capital were easily available. We were well aware that Bridge loans pose risk and need to be used appropriately for true-value add deals. I wrote about this on page 68 of my 2019 Bestselling Book “Passive Investing in Commercial Estate”.    Action Item for Passive Investors For passive investors, it is important to consider passive real estate investing as a potential option, Make a list of your investment to identify bridge loans, whether there are rate caps, when the rate cap expires, and whether the deal has a preferred equity between You (common equity) and the Senior Lender. I am sure you will be surprised! 


Passive Real Estate Investors Need To Know This Before Filing Their 2023 Taxes!

Essential Tax Planning Tips And Strategies Before April 15th With Nationally-recognized CPAs And Tax Strategists "Amanda Han" and "Matt Macfarland"

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