Achieve Investment Group

How to Boost Your Retirement Income With Multifamily Real Estate?

When you are retired, you want to make sure you have enough money to live on for the rest of your life. While some people may continue working after they retire, others choose to stop working and focus on enjoying their retirement. To ensure that you have enough money in retirement, you must have a solid financial plan and save as much as possible. However, there are many other ways to increase the amount of money coming into your bank account. One way is through real estate investing. Multifamily real estate investments allow you to diversify your portfolio and create a more stable retirement income stream. Multifamily real estate investments are a great way to accelerate your retirement savings. The numbers don’t lie – multifamily real estate is a proven investment that can help you build wealth and achieve financial independence faster than other asset classes. Why Invest in Multifamily Properties? Multifamily property ownership can be a good way to earn passive income, and it can also help you build wealth through appreciation and tax benefits. The value of multifamily properties tends to appreciate over time, especially in areas with strong demand for rental housing. Multifamily properties can provide you with income in the form of rent payments, which means that your money is working for you instead of sitting in an account somewhere. The more units you have, the more rent you will collect each month. In addition, as long as your tenants pay their rent on time, your income is stable and predictable. Related: What To Consider Before Investing in Multifamily Real Estate Here are Four ways Real Estate can Boost your Retirement Income: Regular and predictable income: Multifamily properties often generate consistent and predictable rental income, providing a steady cash flow to support your retirement. Diversification of your investment portfolio: Real estate investing offers exposure to multiple asset classes like stocks and bonds, which are less volatile than real estate investments. This means that if one asset class experiences a downturn, other asset classes should perform well, so your portfolio does not suffer too greatly from any losses. Potential for long-term appreciation: Real estate prices tend to appreciate over time due to inflation and population growth, which means if you buy an investment property now, the value will most likely go up in the future, making it easier for you to sell when the market improves or even rent out your property. Professional management: Many multifamily properties are managed by professional property managers, which can reduce the time and effort required to manage the investment. This can free up your time and energy to focus on other aspects of your retirement plan. Bottom Line Multi-family real estate can be a great way to pre-fund your retirement. In this article, we will cover the ins and outs of how multi-family works and how you can get started investing with properties that could provide consistent cash flow while renting them out or using them as rental properties. Join Us For A Daily 60-second Coffee Break Series For Passive Investing In Commercial Real Estate With James Kandasamy, The Best-selling Real Estate Author And Mentor.

Why Do The Wealthy Invest in Multifamily Real Estate?

Have you ever wondered why wealthy people, like Grant Cardone, who earns millions of dollars providing Fortune 500 companies, small businesses and entrepreneurs with an interactive sales training platform, hold $350 million in multifamily property throughout the United States? What does multifamily real estate investment provide the wealthy that other investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities or precious metals, do not provide ?

Here’s why.

1) Tax Breaks Due to Depreciation

Most wealthy people invest in multifamily real estate to get the paper benefits of asset depreciation deductions in taxable income. Basically, what that means is that the IRS will consider an asset to be depreciating in value every year even though, in reality, the value may be appreciating. The tax deduction due to depreciation will allow the investors to show investment loss on paper even though the asset may have cash flow and appreciate. This loss will flow through your personal income tax calculation, thus reducing your total taxable income.

2) Leverage Other People’s Time (OPT)

The wealthy do not have much time to devote to business other than their core business or occupation. To conserve their time, they like to invest passively with other real estate syndicators. Syndicators are multifamily real estate investors that find a great deal, get it financed and do the property and asset management. These tactics allow the wealthy to reap the benefits of real estate investing while conserving their time for their primary business or occupation.

3) No Personal Guarantee Loans

An investor can get a non-recourse loan for multifamily real estate loans above $1 million. Non-recourse debt, or a non-recourse loan, is a secured loan (debt) that is secured by a pledge of real estate property for which the borrower is not personally liable. This is contrary to the usual recourse loan whereby investors allow their personal assets, such as personal savings, primary residence and car, to be exposed to lawsuits in case the investment turns south. The wealthy love this feature of big real estate deals. It protects their wealth while making money on their investments.

4) Leverage Other People’s Money (OPM)

Real estate is the only investment where you can buy an investment 15-45% below market value, pay 20-25% of your own money and finance a balance of 75-80%. Banks or any other financial institutions love to finance assets. The truth is that the bigger the loan, the more attractive it is for banks. Banks loves the wealthy’s net worth, liquidity and capability to pay back loans in case of any downside. With leverage, a borrower can invest in more property with a fixed lump sum of money.

5) Wealth Preservation

Technology can replace many jobs. However, every human being needs a place to live as part of survival. Parking wealth inside multifamily investments that generate cash flow provides long-term income. For multifamily loans above $1 million, investors can get up 75-80% in loan with a fixed interest rate up to 30 years. Real estate values are expected to double every 7-10 years. That means a guaranteed long-term cash flow return with a strong upside for multifamily real estate value appreciation. These factors provide a safe haven for the wealthy to park their wealth in a place that any other business venture or investment vehicle does not provide.


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