Achieve Investment Group

Multifamily Real Estate: Navigating the Hall of Mirrors Amidst Strong Fundamentals and a Weak Market

Multifamily Real Estate

In real estate investment, multifamily properties have long been regarded as a stable and profitable venture. With the ever-increasing demand for housing and the potential for generating consistent cash flow, multifamily real estate has attracted investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and secure long-term wealth. However, amidst a fluctuating market and varying economic conditions, navigating the multifamily landscape can sometimes feel like moving through a hall of mirrors – disorienting and filled with reflections of uncertainty. In this article, we will explore the current state of multifamily real estate, examine the strong fundamentals that make it an attractive option, and discuss strategies to overcome the challenges posed by a weak market. Understanding the Multifamily Market The Multifamily Real Estate Market Landscape Before diving into the intricacies of multifamily real estate, it’s essential to grasp the overall landscape of this market. Multifamily properties encompass buildings with multiple residential units, such as apartments and condominiums, catering to a diverse group of tenants. This real estate segment holds immense potential due to rising urbanization, changing lifestyle preferences, and the growing number of millennial and Gen Z renters. The Fundamentals of Multifamily Real Estate The attractiveness of multifamily properties lies in their strong fundamentals. Unlike single-family homes, which rely on a single tenant’s rental income, multifamily properties spread the risk across multiple units and tenants. This diversification minimizes vacancies’ impact, providing investors with a more stable income stream. Additionally, well-managed multifamily properties have the potential for economies of scale, allowing owners to reduce operational costs and increase profitability. Demand and Supply Dynamics The demand for multifamily housing has grown in recent years, driven by increased urban migration, lifestyle preferences, and job mobility. However, while demand remains robust, the supply of multifamily properties has also increased, leading to localized market saturation in some areas. Investors must carefully evaluate the supply and demand dynamics before making investment decisions. Navigating a Weak Market Despite the strong fundamentals, multifamily real estate is not immune to market fluctuations. Economic downturns and periods of uncertainty can impact the rental market and create challenges for property owners. Here are some strategies to navigate a weak market: Emphasizing Tenant Retention In a weak market, tenant retention becomes crucial. Maintaining a high tenant retention rate ensures a steady cash flow and reduces the impact of vacancies. Providing excellent customer service, responding promptly to maintenance requests, and offering attractive lease terms can foster tenant loyalty. Adaptability and Flexibility To survive a weak market, multifamily investors must be adaptable and flexible. This may involve adjusting rental rates, offering concessions, or exploring innovative amenities that cater to changing tenant preferences. Strategic Renovations and Upgrades Investing in property renovations and upgrades can enhance the value of multifamily assets and attract discerning tenants. Innovative renovations that improve energy efficiency modernize living spaces, and enhance overall aesthetics can give a competitive edge in a challenging market. Strategies for Success: Comprehensive Research: Thoroughly analyze local market conditions, rent trends, demographic shifts, and employment opportunities to make informed decisions. Partnerships and Networking: Collaborate with experienced property managers, real estate agents, and fellow investors to gain valuable insights and support. Long-Term Perspective: View multifamily real estate as a long-term investment. A weak market is temporary, and the property’s inherent strengths will eventually prevail. Resilience and Flexibility: Be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances, whether it’s adjusting rental rates, offering incentives to tenants, or implementing cost-saving measures. Conclusion Investing in multifamily real estate can be likened to a journey through a Hall of Mirrors, where the distinction between opportunities and risks can be blurred. While a weak market may present challenges, the bedrock of strong fundamentals in multifamily real estate can guide investors towards successful outcomes. By remaining vigilant, conducting thorough research, and embracing resilience, investors can navigate through the mirrors and uncover lucrative opportunities even amidst challenging times. Happy FAQs Q1: Is multifamily real estate a safe investment? A1: While no investment is entirely risk-free, multifamily real estate is generally considered a safer option due to its solid fundamentals and diversified income streams. Q2: How can I finance a multifamily property purchase? A2: Financing options for multifamily properties include conventional mortgages, Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and commercial real estate loans. Q3: Are there tax benefits to investing in multifamily real estate? A3: Yes, multifamily real estate investors can benefit from tax deductions on mortgage interest, property taxes, depreciation, and other expenses related to property management. Q4: What factors should I consider when evaluating a multifamily property? A4: Factors to consider include location, rental demand, vacancy rates, property condition, operating expenses, and potential for future growth. Q5: How can I find a reliable property management company for my multifamily investment? A5: Research property management companies in your area, read reviews, and interview potential candidates to find a company with a successful multifamily property management track record.

Multifamily Construction Boom: The Top 10 Markets Leading the Way

In recent years, the demand for multifamily housing has skyrocketed, leading to a construction boom in various cities across the United States. This article explores the top 10 markets at the forefront of this multifamily construction trend. From bustling metropolises to up-and-coming suburban areas, these cities are experiencing significant growth in the multifamily real estate sector. 1 – Austin, TX Stealing the spotlight is Austin, Texas, with 61,873 units under construction as of May 2023. Moreover, an impressive 106,000 units are in the planning and permitting stages. Despite a drop in new construction starts, Austin’s robust development activity keeps the city at the top of the list. 2-Dallas, TX Dallas, the long-standing leader, is now the runner-up with 60,532 units under construction. The city’s solid demand has maintained a robust construction pipeline, with another 163,000 units in the planning and permitting stages. Dallas has emerged as a significant player in the multifamily construction market, fueled by its business-friendly environment and affordable cost of living. The city’s population growth and low unemployment rate have contributed to the rise in demand for multifamily properties. 3-  Miami, FL Miami is our third star with 44,532 units under construction across 159 properties. The city has seen a drop in construction starts, but with a whopping 259,000 units in the pipeline, Miami’s future in multifamily development is bright. 4- Atlanta, GA Atlanta ranks fourth with 41,204 units under construction. Despite a 17% drop in new construction starts, investor confidence in Atlanta remains strong, signaling a promising future for the city’s multifamily sector. With its warm climate and booming job market, Atlanta has become a hotspot for multifamily construction. The city’s strong economic growth and a surge in millennials seeking urban living have propelled the demand for multifamily housing options. Known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife, Miami has seen a surge in multifamily development in recent years. The city’s appeal to domestic and international buyers has bolstered its multifamily real estate market. 5- Phoenix, AZ Phoenix completes our top five with 39,875 units under construction. Although it lags in the volume of units under construction, Phoenix leads the pack in completions with 3,811 units coming online in the first four months of 2023. Phoenix’s sunny weather and lower cost of living have made it an attractive destination for retirees and young professionals. This has resulted in a significant increase in multifamily construction as developers capitalize on the growing demand. 6- New York City, NY New York City remains a top contender in the multifamily construction boom due to its status as a global economic hub. The city’s ever-expanding job opportunities and cultural attractions continue to attract a diverse population, creating a consistent demand for multifamily properties. New York City was not far behind, with 38,859 units under construction in 124 properties and over 95,000 units in the planning and permitting stages. Through May, inventory expansion was relatively minimal, with only 137 units delivered, accounting for 0.2 percent of existing multifamily stock, the lowest rate on this list. 7.Denver, CO Denver’s picturesque landscapes and outdoor recreational opportunities have attracted many new residents. The city’s population influx has led to a surge in multifamily construction to accommodate the rising demand. As of May 2023, Denver ranked sixth, with 35,893 units under development in 162 properties. Furthermore, nearly 143,000 units were in the planning and permitting stages. During the first four months of the year, deliveries totaled 1,696 units, accounting for 2.4 percent of the metro’s total stock. New construction starts fell 31.7 percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period the previous year, reaching 1,580 units. Despite being significant, the rate is the third lowest among the metros in this list. The number of properties reduced as well, from 11 to nine. 8- Houston Houston, the third Texas market on this list, had a multifamily construction pipeline with 71,000 units in the planning and permitting stages and 34,709 units under construction across 132 properties. The third lowest volume of deliveries among metros in this ranking, developers completed 1,686 units through May, representing 2.3 percent of the metro’s total stock. After Houston’s 5.1 percent inventory growth the previous year, which put it second in the country for deliveries as a percentage of existing stock, there were far fewer new construction projects starting in Houston this year. Just 1,660 units in the metro saw the beginning of construction in the first quarter of 2023, a significant decline of 62.2 percent from the first quarter of last year when 4,394 new construction starts were registered. 9-  Los Angeles, CA As the largest city in the United States, Los Angeles boasts a thriving entertainment industry and a strong job market, making it an attractive destination for multifamily development. The city’s diverse neighborhoods cater to a wide range of demographics, further driving the need for multifamily housing. Los Angeles is the sole California city on this list, with 32,306 units under construction and another 160,000 in the planning and permitting stages. With 239 properties under construction, it ranks top in this ranking of metros. Meanwhile, deliveries totaled 1,926 units, or 2.7 percent of current inventory. During the first quarter of 2023, just 814 units were built in Los Angeles, the lowest volume among the top ten. The volume was down 61.4 percent from the 2,110 units that began building at the same period previous year. 10 – Charlotte, NC Charlotte’s strong job market and affordable housing options have contributed to its multifamily construction boom. As more businesses relocate to the area, the demand for housing has increased, leading to a rise in multifamily developments. Charlotte’s pipeline rounded out our top 10, with 32,188 units under development over 137 locations and another 100,000 in the planning and permitting stages. The metro’s 1,538-unit delivery volume through May was the second lowest on this list, only surpassing New York City. Through March, construction starts fell to 1,459 units, down from 3,287 units in the first quarter of 2022. This … Read more

How to Boost Your Retirement Income With Multifamily Real Estate?

When you are retired, you want to make sure you have enough money to live on for the rest of your life. While some people may continue working after they retire, others choose to stop working and focus on enjoying their retirement. To ensure that you have enough money in retirement, you must have a solid financial plan and save as much as possible. However, there are many other ways to increase the amount of money coming into your bank account. One way is through real estate investing. Multifamily real estate investments allow you to diversify your portfolio and create a more stable retirement income stream. Multifamily real estate investments are a great way to accelerate your retirement savings. The numbers don’t lie – multifamily real estate is a proven investment that can help you build wealth and achieve financial independence faster than other asset classes. Why Invest in Multifamily Properties? Multifamily property ownership can be a good way to earn passive income, and it can also help you build wealth through appreciation and tax benefits. The value of multifamily properties tends to appreciate over time, especially in areas with strong demand for rental housing. Multifamily properties can provide you with income in the form of rent payments, which means that your money is working for you instead of sitting in an account somewhere. The more units you have, the more rent you will collect each month. In addition, as long as your tenants pay their rent on time, your income is stable and predictable. Related: What To Consider Before Investing in Multifamily Real Estate Here are Four ways Real Estate can Boost your Retirement Income: Regular and predictable income: Multifamily properties often generate consistent and predictable rental income, providing a steady cash flow to support your retirement. Diversification of your investment portfolio: Real estate investing offers exposure to multiple asset classes like stocks and bonds, which are less volatile than real estate investments. This means that if one asset class experiences a downturn, other asset classes should perform well, so your portfolio does not suffer too greatly from any losses. Potential for long-term appreciation: Real estate prices tend to appreciate over time due to inflation and population growth, which means if you buy an investment property now, the value will most likely go up in the future, making it easier for you to sell when the market improves or even rent out your property. Professional management: Many multifamily properties are managed by professional property managers, which can reduce the time and effort required to manage the investment. This can free up your time and energy to focus on other aspects of your retirement plan. Bottom Line Multi-family real estate can be a great way to pre-fund your retirement. In this article, we will cover the ins and outs of how multi-family works and how you can get started investing with properties that could provide consistent cash flow while renting them out or using them as rental properties. Join Us For A Daily 60-second Coffee Break Series For Passive Investing In Commercial Real Estate With James Kandasamy, The Best-selling Real Estate Author And Mentor.

5 Real Estate Investment Tax Strategies That Can Protect You From Inflation

Inflation can ruin your investment profits in several ways. Negative or declining interest rates, for instance, are one of many consequences of inflation. But there are ways you can protect yourself from inflation and its ravaging effects. Inflation and Real Estate Inflation is one of the biggest threats to real estate investors. Inflation equals a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. This causes prices to rise, which means you can’t buy as much for your money as you could before inflation. It’s also called “cost-push inflation” because businesses have more costs to produce goods and services than to pay for those costs. That makes it harder for them to make a profit, which causes them to raise prices. Inflation can be good or bad for investors in multifamily properties, depending on your situation. For example, if you’re looking to sell a property in a few years, you may want to consider strategies that protect you from inflation. But if you’re planning on holding onto your investment for decades, then inflation won’t be as much of an issue. Multifamily Real Estate As A Hedge Against Inflation Is Inflation Bad For Real Estate Investors? The impact of inflation on real estate varies depending on whether you are a buyer or seller. Generally speaking, when inflation increases, so do rents and property values which means that sellers should benefit from higher selling prices while buyers may be hurt by rising mortgage payments (although they will also benefit from lower down payments). Real estate is considered an inflation hedge because it tends to perform well when inflation rises. The reason is that as prices increase, so do rents — at least in most areas of the country.  Top Five Real Estate Investment Tax Strategies Since inflation reduces the purchasing power of money, real estate investors need to protect their assets from inflation by using tax strategies. Here are six multifamily tax strategies to help protect your investments from capital gains taxes: 1. Tax-Free Exchanges with Like-Kind Property: The tax code allows you to exchange your existing property for a like-kind property without paying taxes on the gain from your original property. This is one of the most powerful strategies for protecting yourself from inflation because it allows you to defer taxes on all or part of your capital gains. For example, if you own an apartment building and want to sell it at a profit, you can exchange it for another building instead of selling it outright. If you exchange at the right time, you could avoid paying taxes altogether. However, this strategy has limitations: You must have owned and used the property for at least one year before receiving any tax benefits from an exchange. You can’t make an exchange if there was a significant improvement or customizing made after purchase (like adding an elevator). And finally, if your original property is worth less than $250,000 when making an exchange (or $500,000 if filing jointly with a spouse), then there are no limits on how much gain you can defer or avoid altogether. 2. Tax-Advantaged Investments Accounts Tax-advantaged investments, such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and Roth IRAs, are a great way to keep more of your hard-earned money. Here are some of the most common types of tax-advantaged investment accounts: 401(k)s: These plans allow employees to contribute pre-tax dollars into their retirement accounts. The contributions are deducted from an employee’s paycheck before taxes are taken. The money then grows tax-free until it’s withdrawn during retirement years. Roth IRAs: Roth IRAs offer many of the same benefits as 401(k)s with one major difference—the contributions are made after taxes have been paid. Because contributions must be made with after-tax dollars, there is no tax deduction when making withdrawals during retirement years. However, any growth in the account from interest and investment gains can be withdrawn tax-free at any time during retirement. 3. Hedging Your Portfolio With Options Options give you the right to buy or sell an asset at a specific price on or before a certain date. You’re betting on whether the underlying asset will increase or decrease in value before it expires. For example, if you’re confident that inflation will rise over the next year, you might purchase put options — which allow you to sell assets at a specified price — as an insurance policy against rising prices. If inflation rises, these options will become valuable because they allow you to sell assets at higher prices than what would otherwise be possible without them. This strategy can also be used with other types of investments, such as stocks and bonds, to protect against losses from deflation instead of from inflation. 4. Accelerated depreciation deductions Accelerated depreciation deductions allow investors to write off more than what they actually spend on their properties, thus reducing their taxable income. This strategy allows investors to reduce their tax liability and increase their cash flow by writing off more expenses than they actually incur on their properties. 5. Convert to Qualified Leases If you own a rental property, you may be able to convert your rental income into a qualified leasehold interest and avoid paying taxes on the money received until you sell the building. This strategy works best if you’ve owned the building for over two years and plan to hold onto it for at least five years to qualify for depreciation. You can also use this strategy if you’re interested in moving out of the property management business but want to keep collecting rent checks from tenants long-term. Conclusion As multifamily real estate investors, you might think that you need to watch out for the usual income taxes, but taking advantage of some of these strategies can help keep your tax liability lower. In addition, there are some ways that property management companies can use to maximize their profits and protect themselves from inflation. … Read more

How to Evaluate Multifamily Properties for the Highest ROI

When investing in real estate, it’s essential to do some upfront research. Many factors go into making a profit, so it’s important to be well-informed. Becoming an expert in multifamily real estate investing requires learning to evaluate multifamily properties. It’s important to learn how to evaluate multifamily properties for the highest ROI, the fastest. When you evaluate a multifamily property for the highest ROI, you will make more money with your investment, and you’ll invest in higher-quality multifamily properties with lower depreciation rates. Overview: How to Evaluate Multifamily Properties Multifamily properties are a great way to get into the real estate market. They offer the chance to earn a steady income, which can be a good investment if you know what you’re doing. If you’re looking at multifamily properties as an investment, it’s important to determine whether the property will be a good long-term investment or not. That’s why a lot of research and analysis goes into evaluating multifamily properties for potential buyers. Here’s how to do it: Identify Your Goals Before doing any evaluation, it’s important to know your goals for buying this property in the first place. For example, do you want to make money from renting out units? Are you looking for something that will provide passive income? Or are you looking for something that will give you some tax benefits? Knowing what kind of return you’re expecting on your investment will help narrow down which properties are worth further investigation, so start by identifying all of your goals before getting started. Start by looking at the numbers Have they been inflated by investors who have given the city high marks? Look at the crime rate and school district. Are there any recent foreclosures? What kind of businesses are in the area? These factors can affect the value of your investment property before you even make an offer on it. Once you have done your research and determined that this is a good investment opportunity, you need to look at what makes this particular property a good one for your needs (or someone else’s needs). For example, if there are several buildings like this one in the area and one is better than another, why buy that one instead? What makes it better than another one nearby? Is it newer? Has it been well maintained over time? Does it have more square footage than other similar units in town? Research rent comparables in the area You want to ensure that the rent you’re charging is competitive with other properties in your area. This is especially important when you’re looking at older buildings that have not been renovated recently since older buildings tend to attract lower rents than newer ones. Look at repair costs and maintenance issues. If you’re buying an older building, you may have more maintenance costs than if you bought something newer. If there are major repairs or renovations needed, this can affect your ROI significantly over time. The good news is that this can be partially mitigated by negotiating a lower purchase price on the building so that the costs don’t eat up all your profits immediately! Size of Units. The size of each unit should be considered as well. Smaller units may rent faster than larger units, but larger units could earn more per month than smaller ones (depending on how much competition there is). If you’re considering buying an entire building, make sure it doesn’t have any one-bedroom apartments available since these are often more complex to fill than two-bedroom or three-bedroom units. What To Consider Before Investing in Multifamily Real Estate Determine the Capitalization Rate The capitalization rate determines the amount of money you can expect to receive from rent. The formula for calculating this is: Capitalization Rate = Net Operating Income / Purchase Price In other words, if a property returns $5,000 in monthly rent and its purchase price is $250,000, your capitalization rate would be 20%. Every dollar you spend buying a property will generate 20 cents in income. A high capitalization rate means that you should be able to buy a property at a discount because it has many more years until it needs renovation or replacement than similar properties in the area. However, it also means that your profit margin may be lower than if you were buying a property with a lower capitalization rate (because fewer dollars will go into paying down mortgage debt). Determine How Much Equity You Can Expect To Earn Annually From A Property Evaluating multifamily properties for the highest ROI determines how much equity you can expect to earn annually from a property. This will tell you how much of your money you can put down on the deal and how much cash flow you can expect monthly. The Equity Yield Formula: Equity Yield = Net Operating Income (NOI) / Purchase Price Multifamily properties have an income-generating potential that single-family homes don’t have. For example, if you buy a duplex for $100,000 and rent each side for $500 per month, your annual income would be $10,000 — or 10% of the purchase price. But if you buy a triplex for $100,000 and rent out each unit for $500 per month, your annual income would be $15,000 — or 15% of the purchase price. Due Diligence Once you’ve found a property that looks promising, it’s important to do your due diligence. This involves researching the property and its location to ensure that all of your expectations for the property are met. You should also check out any local ordinances or zoning laws that may affect your ability to rent the property as planned. For example, if you’re looking for a low-income neighborhood with no water meter on the property, it may be too expensive for renters to install running water in their units. This could mean trouble when trying to lease up units in this neighborhood. Final Thought We hope this guide has helped you evaluate multifamily properties for the highest return … Read more

What To Consider Before Investing in Multifamily Real Estate

Multifamily Real Estate investing is becoming increasingly popular, with investors clamoring to find a property multiple for renting a single-family home. The reason for this excitement is that multifamily properties offer an attractive investment that combines solid returns with lower levels of volatility than single-family homes and other real estate asset classes. What is a Multifamily Property? Multifamily properties can be defined as a building with more than one unit. The most common type of multifamily property is the apartment complex, but there are other types of multifamily properties such as condominiums, townhouses, and even student housing. Multifamily properties can be found in any market and can be either owner-occupied or rented out to tenants. They appeal to investors because they provide a stable income stream through monthly rent payments and also offer tax benefits for some forms of investment real estate. Multifamily properties are often owned by a single investor or by a partnership of two or more investors. These investors hire a property manager to oversee day-to-day operations, including tenant screening and maintenance requests. Pros and cons of multifamily investing Investing in multifamily properties can offer many advantages. Low startup costs – The cost to purchase a multifamily property is significantly lower than the cost of buying a single-family home. And once you’ve purchased your first property, the cost of acquiring additional units can be spread over several years as you build your portfolio. Low vacancy rates – The vacancy rate for multifamily properties is typically between 4% and 5%, according to Real Capital Analytics (RCA) industry experts. This is much lower than the vacancy rate for single-family homes, ranging from 10% to 30% during economic downturns. Rental income. Your rental income will be based on the rents you charge your tenants, which can vary depending on the location and type of property you own. For example, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in San Francisco is $3,400 per month, according to Zumper’s National Rent Report for January 2017. In contrast, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Detroit is just $700 per month. Multifamily properties provide diversification. Since most multifamily properties have multiple units, they provide some level of diversification by spreading risk around several units rather than relying on one property alone for income. So, for example, if one unit becomes vacant due to a tenant moving out or being evicted, this won’t necessarily cause any issues with the other units in the building because they’re all covered by separate leases anyway (at least until they expire). Low correlation to stocks and bonds. Multifamily properties are less correlated with stocks and bonds than other real estate investments because they provide income rather than capital appreciation — although they also offer capital appreciation. In addition, they tend to be less correlated with the stock market than other real estate investments like office buildings or industrial properties because they tend to be located closer to where people live and work — this means higher demand for housing during times when people want to live closer to their jobs and vice versa. Lower maintenance: Less maintenance than single-family homes or retail spaces. Apartments have fewer repairs and lower turnover than single-family homes and retail space (both of which require repairs and cleaning). Risks of Multifamily Investment Properties Here are three of the most significant risks to look out for when considering a multifamily property: Tenant turnover rate: Tenant turnover rate refers to how often tenants move out of their units in a given period (typically one year). A high tenant turnover rate means that many of your tenants will be moving out soon — which means more vacancies and less income from those units while re-renting — and more work. Market risk. The market can be volatile and unpredictable, so you could lose money on your investment if the economy turns south or if a large amount of new supply in your area drives down rents. Construction risk. This is a big one! For example, suppose you’re buying an older property and need to renovate it or add amenities to attract tenants. In that case, you could lose tens of thousands of dollars if you don’t get the job done correctly or on time — or worse yet if something goes wrong during construction and causes damage to the property or other units in the building. Property Management for Multifamily Properties When it comes to managing these types of properties, there are two options: self-manage or hire a property manager. Self-managing your assets means doing everything yourself — from collecting rents and paying bills on time to fixing leaks in the bathroom tubs and repairing broken appliances. If this sounds like something you want to do on top of all your other responsibilities (like running your business), then self-managing might be the right choice for you.  Property management. You will need a property manager to handle everything from maintenance issues to tenant screening. If you cannot hire a professional manager, you’ll have to spend time handling these tasks yourself. This will take away from your time as an investor and could cause problems down the road if you don’t have enough time or experience managing tenants. Final Thought In the end, multifamily real estate investing is not something that every person or company should attempt. It is a highly specialized field with unique challenges and considerations. However, suppose you’re interested in embarking on this investment strategy or gaining a better understanding of the landscape. In that case, you should have the knowledge you need to succeed. With that in mind, begin your research today to make an informed decision in the future. To learn more about our current passive investment opportunities, please Schedule an investor introductory session

Multifamily Real Estate As A Hedge Against Inflation

Inflation is a serious concern for investors. When inflation is up, interest rates tend to be up as well. That’s because the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates if inflation increases to keep it in check. When interest rates are high, it makes sense for investors to look at other ways to make money. One way is through multifamily real estate. Multifamily real estate is a good hedge against inflation because it’s an asset that can increase in value and provide income. As inflation increases, the value of your property will increase. In addition to selling it at a higher price, you also have the option to rent it out and make money from your investment. When you buy a multifamily property, you’re purchasing more than just a house. You’re buying an asset that can be rented out and generate income for you. This means that if inflation increases, your property could also increase in value. This is one of the most important reasons why investing in real estate is one of the best ways to protect yourself against inflation. High Inflation And The Stock Market When inflation rises rapidly, it becomes difficult for investors to make money on the stock market because stocks are considered long-term investments and tend to increase more slowly than inflation over time. For example, if inflation were 10 percent per year, stocks would have to go up 11 percent just for the investor to break even after taxes and fees were removed from their returns. Multifamily Real Estate As A Hedge Against Inflation Inflation is a severe concern for real estate investors. Inflation can erode the value of investments in real estate and other assets, making it harder to generate income. However, there are several ways that investors can hedge against inflation to protect their portfolios. One way to hedge against inflation is through multifamily real estate investments because this asset class has historically withstood the economic pressures of rising prices. This makes sense when you consider that the cost of living also increases over time. As rents rise, so does the demand for more affordable housing options such as apartments and condominiums. Multifamily real estate is an asset class that can hedge against inflation in a few different ways: It can provide a relatively stable cash flow over time. It can act as an inflation hedge because it increases in value over time. The property’s value is based on its income stream, which increases as rents increase due to rising rents and inflation. For example, if you own a building that brings in $2 million per year in rental income and your annual mortgage payment is $1 million per year, your net cash flow (income minus expenses) will be $1 million per year (assuming no vacancies). This means that if you are paying 6% interest on your mortgage loan, the value of the building is $20 million ($1 million / 6% = $20 million). If the building appreciates by 3% per year (which would happen if rents were increasing), then after five years, it would be worth $22 million ($22 million – $20 million = $2 million). While you still pay off your mortgage loan at 6%, your net worth has increased by 3%. Another way to hedge against inflation is by ensuring that your properties are well-maintained and managed effectively. If you own an apartment building with tenants who are happy with their living situation, they’ll be less likely to move out or complain about problems with their apartments. This means your property will remain more valuable than others in its area and allow for future appreciation in its value over time. Final Thought Overall, multifamily real estate is an excellent investment to hedge against inflation when prices rise. Of course, it’s still important to research before you dive in and buy property, but once you’ve chosen the right location and established a sound financial plan, you can start building wealth with prudent and practical means. Join Us For A Daily 60-second Coffee Break Series For Passive Investing In Commercial Real Estate With James Kandasamy, The Best-selling Real Estate Author And Mentor.

Is It Good Time To Invest In Real Estate?

Recently, the U.S. labor department data suggested that the annual inflation rate in the US accelerated to 9.1% in June of 2022, the highest since November 1981. Inflation is a volatile variable when it comes to managing your portfolio. The effects of inflation can devastate your assets, as we have seen in the wake of a downturned economy, war, political unrest, a disturbance in resource availability, or a chilling response to a surging global pandemic. Inflation means that your money doesn’t go as far as it used to. This is true whether you like it or not, and while nobody likes losing money, some people always seem to profit from inflation. What do they know that we don’t know? Multifamily real estate can be an excellent hedge against inflation. To understand why it’s essential to know how inflation works and how it affects the value of money. And when you know those things, you may discover that multifamily real estate can help you protect yourself from inflation’s adverse effects—and even profit from it. Before you begin to understand how residential real estate appraisals differ from commercial multifamily appraisals, it’s important to understand the different approaches these two types of properties take in arriving at their values. Commercial vs. Residential Appraisals Commercial real estate, unlike residential, is appraised using the income method. The more income property brings in, the more it is worth. The commercial real estate valuation formula is Value = Net Operating Income / Capitalization Rate. Net Operating Income (NOI) equals all revenue from the property (all rents, fees, and other income), minus all reasonably necessary operating expenses. Capitalization Rate (Cap rate) indicates the rate of return that is expected to be generated on a real estate investment property. Cap rates are expressed as percentages and vary from market to market. Within each market, cap rates have a historical range. For example, if a property had $300,000 in NOI and the cap rate in that market was 5%, you’d expect it to be valued at around $10 million ($300,000 / 5% = $6 million). Have You Heard About C.A.P.T? Among the key concepts, you should be familiar with are cash flow, appreciation, principal paydown, and tax benefits. Cash flow is the current and ongoing payments to the investor from rents. It is also referred to as yield. In addition to yield, there is equity growth from the appreciation of the property and paying down the mortgage each month. This equity component is realized upon liquidation of an apartment building—we’ll look at an example below to see why this makes apartment investments so attractive. Multifamily real estate has a long track record of beating inflation. Over the last 43 years, multifamily has beaten the inflation rate 37 times. In comparison, the S&P 500 has only beaten inflation 29 times. How can multifamily provide these more stable and consistent inflation-busting returns? Let me run you through three different scenarios: one in which rent growth exceeds CPI, another in which rent growth equals CPI, and a third in which rent growth lags behind CPI. Our hypothetical apartment investment looks like this: 100 – unit property $10 million valuation $1 million in gross operating income (GOI) $500,000 in operating expenses $500,000 net operating income (NOI) 5% cap rate (steady) 5% inflation rate (CPI) 7% rent growth (case #1) 5% rent growth (case #2) 3% rent growth (case #3) Case #1 – High Inflation / Higher Rent Growth When inflation rises, apartment rents tend to rise even more quickly. Since multifamily properties have short lease contracts—typically no longer than one year—they are nimble enough to respond to inflationary pressures and raise their rents in response. This is a real benefit for apartment investors that is not available to other segments of the commercial real estate space. Typically office, retail, and industrial properties utilize longer-term contracts making it difficult for them to respond to inflation. As a result, the only way for them to achieve higher rent growth than CPI is through the re-leasing property at higher rates than those specified in their leases. In this case, we are assuming a 7% rent growth and a 5% inflation rate. GOI – $1 million x 7% rent growth = $1,070,000 Expense growth – $500,000 x 5% inflation = $525,000 NOI – $1,070,000 – $525,000 = $545,000 NOI = $545,000 Our NOI increased by $45,000, so it is clear that our net distributable cash flow (yield) to the investors increased. Now let’s use that NOI number to see how much our equity grew. Value = NOI / Cap rate $545,000 / 5% = $10,900,000 Value = $10,900,000 So, in this case, our yield increased by $45,000 (from $500,000 to $545,000), and the value of our property increased by $900,000 (from $10 million to $10.9 million). We are not losing money to inflation; both values are increasing equally. Obviously, this is an ideal situation for the investor. But what happens if rent growth does not exceed the rate of inflation? What if they both go up equally? Case #2 When High Rent Growth Equals/Keeps Up With High Inflation In this case, both the rate of inflation and rent growth are equal at 5%. Let’s do the math. GOI – $1 million x 5% rent growth = $1,050,000 Expense growth – $500,000 x 5% inflation = $525,000 NOI – $1,050,000 – $525,000 = $525,000 NOI = $525,000 Value = NOI / Cap rate $525,000 / 5% = $10,500,000 Value = $10,500,000 Even when rent growth merely keeps up with inflation, the investor still wins (and profits from inflation). An increase in income of 5% equates to a less than $42 increase in rent for each unit per month. The owner’s expenses also went up 5%, costing him or her less than $21 per unit. The increase in yield is cash in your pocket as well as an increase in the equity value of the property. Everybody wins here. Case #3 When the Rent Growth Lags behind High Inflation … Read more

How to Add Value to Multifamily Properties

If you understand the value of investing in multifamily real estate- you are in a great position. As a multifamily investor, there are many investment strategies you can pursue. Whether as a syndicator or passive investor, it is crucial to analyze all investment strategies to ensure it aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals. What is Value Add Real Estate? Value-add investing is a real estate investment strategy that involves increasing the value of an asset through renovations, rebranding, or operational efficiencies. This can be achieved through hiring a capable management team to run the property. In multifamily real estate, value-add strategies are used by many investors to achieve solid returns. Let’s understand this from the following case studies: In the following video, James is at one of his properties in Austin, Texas where he bought a value-add deal. Initially, James started the property at 95% occupancy and just after 2 months the occupancy dropped to 65%, but after 6 to 7 months again it has 90% occupancy and is a positive cash-flowing deal right now. You can buy core/yield deals if you don’t want to face dropping in occupancy, but you need to understand that while core/yield deals are less risky, they are also less rewarding.  Value-add deals, on the other hand, have a higher risk, higher value, and higher rewards. Take a look at the videos below for deeper insights: Watch the Video  2-Part Multifamily Deep Value Add Turnaround Case Study Multifamily Deep Value Add Turnaround Part 1 Watch the Video The following is a proud moment for my best-selling “Passive Investing in Commercial Real Estate Book”. A fan sent me his copy of my book 必利勁 to get my autograph, with prepaid postage! I am happy that I am able to truly change the lives of people with my book. We can have millions of assets under management (or even billion!), but nothing beats being an author that can make an impact like that. The title “Author” creates a legacy to be proud of. Take a look: GET A FREE COPY OF MY BOOK

How the Multifamily Market May Crash like the Subprime Crisis

Got your attention right? Despite many real estate investors and Gurus drumming up information on how hot the multifamily asset class is, there has been a subtle deadly weakness in the market since 2015. We are not talking about the rising interest rates or an increase in cap rate. There are major factors that may cause an upcoming crash.


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